Since benefits are a vital part of your company and culture, benefits administration should be simple, intuitive and personal — for you and your employees. If your current benefits administration provider isn’t fitting the bill or you’re choosing a ben admin provider for the first time, you may want to begin the process of conducting reference checks. We’ve compiled a list of the top questions you should ask when conducting a vendor reference check.
As human resources and benefits professionals, you’re no stranger to checking references — but vendor reference checks have a slightly different protocol. After all, you’re evaluating an entire system, not an individual or department. That means you’ll want to speak with clients of the benefits vendor(s) being considered.
Be prepared! The referral check is your opportunity to gain assurance that the benefits software in question can successfully perform as you need it to and, ultimately, save you time in the long run. Check out these vendor reference check questions we’ve compiled below:
Survey several current clients (if possible) and compare answers. Not every client will have the same experience, and some may have more insightful feedback than others.
Don’t forget — this is your chance to talk with people who have similar perspectives, challenges, and goals as you — meaning their experience with this vendor and their technology is something to consider. Likewise, don’t let the vendor reference check be a deal breaker. Always discuss your concerns with the benefit administration provider in question before making a final decision.
While technology is important when choosing a benefits administration provider, it is secondary. A reference check is also an opportunity to review the team and the people you will have supporting you from implementation to open enrollment.
Keep in mind that benefit admin software is only as good as the team that is accountable for the configuration, support, and delivery. The team should be a major consideration when making a decision.
You’ve completed your vendor reference checks and have found the benefits administration service that’s the best fit for your company. Now it’s time to make your case to other team members or company stakeholders about switching providers. Switching benefits administration providers isn’t as daunting as it sounds – and it all starts with delivering a winning presentation to make your case.
Interested in learning more about benefits administration at WEX? Check out our benefits administration solutions here!
The information in this blog post is for educational purposes only. It is not legal or tax advice. For legal or tax advice, you should consult your own counsel.